Weigh Up To 15-20 Head of Cattle At a Time
(20,000-lb Capacity)
Includes Weight Indicator and Ticket Printer
High-Quality Composite Flooring for
Stability and Assurance
Displays Transaction Number and Calculates Shrink Loss
Displays Current Head Count, Gross Weight, Average Weight
Transactions Stored on USB Drive May Be Summarized for Printing
Inclinometer Detects Scale Angle (blanks out if out of
NTEP tolerance)
Predefined Floor Plank Seams in the Scale Deck
Prohibit Debris from Compiling Underneath
High-Quality Composite Flooring for Livestock
Stability and Hoof-Gripping Assurance
Load Cells Easily Accessible Via Side Access Panel
High Under-Frame Clearance (for maneuvering
through bumpy field terrain)
Authorized Cardinal/Detecto distributors may register for restricted dealer dashboard access via this form.
Click to learn about the top 10 reasons to consider hydraulic load cell technology.
Click to download the essential considerations for buying the right truck scale for your weighing operation.
Item # | Qty | List Price | Net Price | Net Price Each | Type |
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