Gas-Assisted Cylinder Lifting Mechanism
Stainless Steel Platforms for Corrosion Resistance
Stainless Steel Hermetically-Sealed Waterproof Load Cells
Stainless Steel Platforms for
Corrosion Resistance
Also Available in
Mild Steel
Cardinal Scale’s FHLT series electronic floor scales feature a gas-assisted lift top deck which makes them ideal for material processing applications where a clean environment is essential. Choose from 5,000 lb x 1 lb or 10,000 lb x 2 lb capacities in 4 x 4 ft, 5 x 5 ft, or 6 x 4 ft platform sizes. The stainless steel gas spring shocks allow for easy lifting of the heavy-duty, stainless steel, corrosion-resistant, checkered deck for wash-down cleaning of internal components below the deck surface. Hard-to-reach pockets can breed bacteria and allow food or chemicals to build up over time, so internal access with the easy-lift deck provides you with the ability to complete wash out the scale and floor surface below it. Also available in mild steel.
Capacities Available: 5,000 lb x 1 lb or 10,000 lb x 2 lb
Platform Sizes Available: 4 x 4 ft, 5 x 5 ft, 6 x 4 ft
Platform Height: 4 in
Scale Construction: Stainless steel (also available in mild steel)
Deck: Checkered stainless steel
Lifting Mechanism: Stainless steel gas-assisted cylinder springs
Load Cells: Stainless steel hermetically-sealed waterproof load cells
Options: Checkered deck ramps and IP69K-rated indicators
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Click to learn about the top 10 reasons to consider hydraulic load cell technology.
Click to download the essential considerations for buying the right truck scale for your weighing operation.
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