3 or 4 Cell Mounting Assemblies
Longest-Lasting Load Cells on the Market
Load Cells are Impervious to Water Damage
Immune to Electrical Surges and Lightning Damage
NTEP Legal for Trade
The Cardinal HBC hydraulic tank/hopper scale systems are designed to keep weighing accurately even in the harshest conditions and are the most reliable tank and hopper scales on the market. No power is required within the scale itself, offering the ultimate in lightning protection. They feature stainless steel load cell construction and each system is supplied with a totalizer cabinet and 20 ft of copper or optional stainless steel tubing per load cell. Self-checking 3 and 4 legged stand assemblies are available in mild or stainless steel. NTEP legal-for-trade certified (consult factory). Capacities available from 7,500 to 400,000 lbs.
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Click to learn about the top 10 reasons to consider hydraulic load cell technology.
Click to download the essential considerations for buying the right truck scale for your weighing operation.
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